and District Community Council
John Munro - Chairman
01750-21262 or 21551
Ian Cockburn - Vice Chairman
Dick Marks - Honorary Treasurer
John Beveridge
Tommy Combe
Doug Forsyth
Andrew Holmes
Lorraine Kemp
Lindsay Neil
Edith Scott
Skippy Houston
Alan Skeldon
Ian Mitchell - Honorary Secretary
01750-22083 (Fax) (e-mail)
Derek and Anne with their nephews at the Olympic Stadium, Munich.

Meeting Victoria Hall, Selkirk
Thursday, 9th October, 2003
Present: John Munro, Dick Marks, John Beveridge, Ian Cockburn, Tommy Combe, Doug Forsyth, Kenny Houston, Lindsay Neil and Ian Mitchell.
Apologies: Edith Scott
1) Appointments
Chairman - John Munro Proposed - Lindsay Neil Seconded - Ian Cockburn
Vice Chairman - Ian Cockburn Proposed - Doug Forsyth Seconded - Kenneth Houston.
Treasurer - Dick Marks Proposed - John Munro Seconded Tommy Combe
2) Financial Statement
Dick Marks, Treasurer presented the financial statement for the period 1/10/02 to 30/9/03 which showed an income of £464.09 and an expenditure of £456.67.
3) Visits to Plattling
a) Selkirk Incorporation of Hammermen - September 2003.
Tommy Combe gave a detailed report on the very successful visit to Plattling by Selkirk Incorporation of Hammermen.
The Plattling Association will write to the Selkirk Incorporation of Hammermen to congratulate them on the success of the visit.
b) Plattling Association visit - December 2003
As agreed at the last Meeting of the Association the proposed visit to Plattling in December 2003 will be cancelled but a visit will be planned for early in 2004.
c) Selkirk Football Club
Selkirk Football Club will be requested to give information on the proposed time for their visit to Plattling.
The Association noted that Bannerman & Burke had indicated that they would present a trophy to be played for between Selkirk & Plattling football clubs yearly.
4) STEPS Minutes
Members of the Plattling Association noted, with interest, a number of items from the STEPS Minutes of the Meeting held on 25th August 2003.
a) Linking of Plattling and Selkirk Banks. Stuart Wilson will be contacted to look into this item.
b) The formation of an Incorporation of Hammermen in Plattling and of the strong links made during the recent visit.
c) A further Schools visit between Selkirk High School and the Plattling 6 form School. Selkirk High School will be contacted.
5) Letter from Jim Newlands
The Plattling Association discussed the letter from Jim Newlands which outlined a request from Pavel Jiran, Mayor of Nepomuk, Czech Republic for a friendship link. The Committee agreed to look into this request and discuss it at a later meeting.
6) Scott Selkirk
The Association agreed that it would not sponsor a stall at Scott Selkirk.
A request for Stewards for the event was made by Tommy Combe who also made a full report on the planning of this years event; to be held on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th December 2003.
7) Agenda Items
The following items will be discussed at the next Meeting of the Association:
a) Fund raising,
b) Awareness evening, and
c) Storage of artefacts.
8) Peebles Twinning Association
Members of the Peebles Twinning Association joined the Meeting at 8 00pm.
In attendance were Anne Melrose, Margaret Brown, John Woolliams, Noel Dashwood-Brady and Kenneth Brown. The twin town for Peebles is Hendaye in southwest France.
A very full discussion followed on a number of important points talked about, particularly funding arrangements, links between partner towns, publicity and events.
Both groups agreed that the evening’s discussion had been extremely valuable and that further Meeting will be arranged.
It was also agreed that each town should indicate when their partners were in the Borders and that joint events could be arranged.
It was noted, with interest, that Scottish Borders Council were actively planning joint meetings between towns in the Scottish Borders who had twinning arrangements.
9) Date of next meeting
Thursday, 11th December, 2003 at 7.00pm. Victoria Hall Committee Room.
**NEW COMMITTEE IN PLATTLING** The new committee in Plattling is now:- Chairperson - Siegfried Scholz Second Chair - Doris Kliefoth Secretary - Astrid Hahne Treasurer - Gunter Fuchs Other committee - Mayor Eric Schmid, Gunter Obermeier, Katja Lochmahr, Karl Winziers, Rita Schattenkirchner and Gabi Eisenreich.
**Please send minutes of meetings to Coby to put on this website**