Plattling visit - June 2003
Some photo's from our very succesful visit to Plattling Volkfest 2003.
John presenting Burgermiester with quaich
.........and a nice malt!!
The group at Werner and Hildergard's house.
The first weissbier.
The main tent on the first night.
Tom after his turn on the Big Wheel!!!
Prost - weissbier and white sausage for breakfast!
Bob goes for a strike - typical fireman!!
The champions getting ready for the bicycle game.
The water game on Saturday afternoon
The opposition - no contest!!
Skippy, Franz and Coby - Saturday night.
Mr 'Arcobrau' with his best customers.
Anni our favourite barmaid!!
Tom opened his wallet and Skippy tries to catch the moths!!
The young ones at Butterflies - Saturday night.
Skippy and Flo with some Austrian firefighters.
Bob and Hildergard at Cafe Stern - Saturday night.
Saturday night at Cafe Stern
Ready for the march.
Derek and John warming up for the march.
Sunday's parade
Parade - Sunday.
Parade - Sunday
The march - Sunday
A golden oldie - no not Bob!!
Bob and Christian on stage after the march.
John Bev gets his 5th visit medal from Christian.
After the presentation and speeches - nice hat Tom!!
The Festival tent from the big wheel.