Da bosses

Plattling visit 2003

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Karl Heinz visit

Plattling Photos

Visit's 2003

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Welcome to the twinning website for the police and fireservice officers from the Scottish Borders town of SELKIRK and the Bavarian town of PLATTLING

The twinning was the brainchild of the Assistant Divisional Officer for Lothian and Borders Fire Service BOB BERTRAM and started in 1998. Assisted by Sub Officer JOHN MUNRO, the twinning went from strength to strength and in September 2001, the Fire Service were joined by local police officers from Selkirk who travelled to Plattling and made friends with local police officers there.

The rest is history......................

The site has been running for over 1 year now and has been a continual source of information and photographs from both Plattling and Selkirk.

The photo page has been updated with pictures of the recent visit by our friends from Plattling Fire Brigade.

.......and remember.......NEVER DRINK ALONE

** PROST **

Drop us a line
The intention of this site is to keep all interested parties updated with any planned visits by groups or individuals either to of from the twin towns - it is much for our friends in Plattling as it is for the people of Selkirk.

If you have anything you would like included in the page, particulary what is happening in Plattling, just drop an e-mail to either myself or Scott at the addresses below.

Check out july visit on the site to see all info and deatails on the ariving visit!!"!! or

Please drop us a line on the above e-mail addresses and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Plattling Police visit - April 2002
A party from Plattling Police visited Selkirk in April this year. They were afforded a Civic Reception in Selkirk Town Hall and visited as many local attractions as could be fitted in!! Scottish Police College was the most popular with a visit to Edinburgh also included in the itinery. We will be including a photo of the HUGE fish caught by Heinz later in the website!!