Welcome to the twinning website for the police and fireservice officers from the Scottish Borders town of SELKIRK and the Bavarian town of PLATTLINGThe twinning was the brainchild of the Assistant Divisional Officer for Lothian and Borders Fire Service BOB BERTRAM and started in 1998. Assisted by Sub Officer JOHN MUNRO, the twinning went from strength to strength and in September 2001, the Fire Service were joined by local police officers from Selkirk who travelled to Plattling and made friends with local police officers there.
The rest is history......................
The site has been running for over 1 year now and has been a continual source of information and photographs from both Plattling and Selkirk.
The photo page has been updated with pictures of the recent visit by our friends from Plattling Fire Brigade.
.......and remember.......NEVER DRINK ALONE
** PROST **