If you enjoyed our site or are interested in Selkirk or Plattling then be sure to visit some of the sites below ..... and remember to tell your friends about us!!
Other sites worth a visit!
Bordernet - www.bordernet.co.uk
A good site giving information - and good photo's too - of the Royal Burgh of Selkirk.
Selkirk Today - www.selkirk.advertiser.co.uk
Keep up to date with what is happening in Selkirk by reading the weekly paper.
The story behind the Plattling Partnership by Bob Bertram
The official website of Lothian and Borders Fire Brigade
The best site I have seen for old photographs of Selkirk. Visit and leave a message!
Plattling Firebrigade web site with good photo's of our friends in action.
A local site maintained by our very own Derek McGlone