Visits 2003

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August visit to Selkirk
Karl Heinz, Sylvia and the boys are visiting Selkirk at the end of August. The children would like to visit Loch Ness and the seaside. Guess what Karl Heinz would like to see - a distillery!! We will be having a meeting of the police group to finalise arrangements and will post programme here when available.

Fly with Easy Jet......................
A picture of the lovely Rachel - the most pleasant hostess so far - she even took the time to speak to (or humour) Tom McGrath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plattling Review, Organising and Strategy Team
Visit to Scotland
by Karl Heinz, Sylvia, Daniel and Wolfgang

Tuesday 26th August to Saturday 30th August 2003


Tuesday 26th August 0930hrs Arrive Newcastle Ferry terminal Coby & Johnny
Scenic route to Borders

1300hrs Lunch en route

1600hrs Arrive Hawick and settle in.
* K/Heinz, Sylvia & Daniel residing with Doug & Susan
* Wolfgang residing with Coby & Anne
1800hrs BBQ hosted by Tommy & Sheena at Selkirk

Wednesday 27th August
1000hrs Trip to Edinburgh visit Fire Station etc Tom McGrath
Night To be arranged

Thursday 28th August

1000hrs Eyemouth/Berwick
1730hrs BBQ hosted by Skippy & Shirley
Friday 29th August

1000hrs Visit to Distillery, Tantallon Castle and other east coast attractions.
1300hrs Lunch en route
1900hrs Farewell meal at the Queens Head, Selkirk
****(all names for booking purposes to Johnny)**** All hosts & committee members, including families.

Saturday 30th August 2003

1000hrs Visit to Hawick attractions including lunch Coby & Doug
1400hrs Return trip to Newcastle Ferry Terminal for 1730hrs ??

All above timings are approximate

Hammermen's visit - August 2003

Suggested Itinerary Hammermen Visit
4.-8. September

Thursday, 4.9.03:
11.15 h Arrival at Munich Airport, Welcome at transfer to Plattling by cars or a coach
13.30 h Arrival at Hotel Liebl Plattling,
afternoon planned but not confirmed: Visit at the District Tradesmen Trainingscenter at Deggendorf

18 h: Evening at the Bavarian Inn Kasermandl Huhenrain

Friday, 5.9.03:
10 h: Shadowing or visiting the tradesmen and visit at the Tradessmen Trainingscenter of the District at Deggendorf (if not possible at Thursday)
19 h: All will meet at the Preysinghof with Tradesmen, possibility to show the powerpoint presentation of the Hammermen.

Saturday, 6.9.03:
Morning and half day free and at your disposal,
15 h: Reception at Burgerspital with the Burgermeister and Town Council Members, after that all will go to the Bridgefestival

Sunday, 7.9.03:
10 h: Trip to Passau by Coach, guided City Tour in English (90 min),
Lunch at the Restaurant at the historic Passau, short Trip to nearby Austria an if wanted also at the Czech-Border
Evening: All will meet at the Hotel Liebl. (Tradesmen, Steps-Members, Town-council)

Montag, 8.9.03:
10.45 Uhr Leave at Hotel Liebl for Munich Airport.

A letter from Burgermeister Schmid

Dear Mr. Bob Bertram,

I've just got the news that eight members of your Lothian and

Borders Fire Brigade will participate in our Kreisfeuerwehrtag

in Plattling on Sunday 22 June 2003. I'm very happy about it.

I also informed our town councillors and the Feuerwehr Plattling

that you will join us.

Your participation - wearing your national dress, flying your

flag, and with bag-pipes playing - will be a special highlight.

I look forward to your returning to Plattling.

Erich Schmid

Erster Burgermeister

John and Coby with the Selkirk fire engine and the new police BMW.

Sheena, Tom and Coby relaxing by the River Ettrick.